I don't get butthurt by 'What I Eat In A Day' contents

I love food diary videos and blog entries. I always have. My passion of educating myself about food existed ever since forever. Diet and nutrition books was actually one of my favourite genres to read when I was little, as my mother used to have an array of them (in Mandarin) on her bookshelves. It was even to the point that I considered pursuing into becoming a nutritionist (and I also wanted to become an architect). But, of course, that didn't happen, as I now know that I am not meant to be in a science-y field.

As I am typing this here, I coincidentally read a comment on a video that states that the Youtuber is eating too little calories and her video will trigger people to develop an eating disorder.

[Speechless Moment]

I understand where the person who commented is coming from. As a person who have experienced distorted thoughts on food, I can see why it is triggering. Especially when someone is on a really low calorie diet, or related to weight loss.

Let me just get straight into the point. I don't get butthurt by these food diary contents.

Nor do I get triggered by them.

Maybe 'butthurt' is a little too strong. I am not indicating that people who are triggered by these contents are 'butthurt'. If one is uncomfortable after watching or reading food diaries or other food related subjects, that contain no intentionally harmful or triggering gestures, I'd say that maybe instead of blaming their discomfort on the content creators, they should just avoid clicking into them in the future. Just like most of the content creators would advise in the beginning of their video/blog.

You see, I mentioned that I would like to bring up the awareness of body dysmorphia and eating disorder-related shiz. Mainly because I grew up in an environment where these topics are unheard of and bullying and body-shaming is not deemed to be insensitive. (Instead, they call it as 'telling the truth'). Honestly, why hate on these contents? I like healthy debates, but not when it is too controversial and almost unwarranted.

It may be stupid to 'educate' myself with others' food diaries. But, I believe that every information on the Internet is possibly misleading. Every expert have different findings on what food we should eat to bring or maintain ourselves in our best state of health. So, what is the use of Googling a more credible source to find out about nutrition info. I find it more realistic and reasonable to watch people consuming food in a way that they find is the best for their own body and mind.


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