A Reflection and More Rambles

This moment for me is like any other moments when your mind decides to surge in all the tasks you have done for the past few weeks, and you can't help but feel a little something-something, and somewhere within you is itching to write it all down, even though, most times no words can describe that silent emotion.

I guess this is me after a work day - all pooped out from socializing, regardless on how 'embarrassing' or 'smooth' the interactions were -, my mind settles into a foreign calm zone. Oh yeah, this hasn't changed and it's been more than a year.

Telemarketing is.. okay. I don't hate it, but it's not something I would consider doing for a long-term. It's draining, mentally. In that cold air tight room and all I do is sit on the office chair and dial numbers, well, only if I'm productive. The response that clip out from every customer's lips does get repetitive. The ones that stood out clearly to me, are the ones that either hurt or cheered me up - just a tad bit different from the majority. Honestly, rude manners and impolite hang ups from customers do not bother me, because at the end of the day, I'm not losing anything.

The 3rd day of 2018, the 64th day of working as a part-time telemarketer, I guess I have learnt quite a bit from the job. I'm glad I had this opportunity. This is a little starting run for a new chapter, which will begin at the end of this month. It washes away my irrational worries and prepares me to deal with people. Just imagine, I would not be alive today if I had lounged at home, as the social anxiety would have taken away my vitality.

Thank you, job, for making me stressed during my last holiday till my journey to be a part of the society ignites. Thank you, dearest customers, for giving me empty words, hopes, and a new kind of excitement. Oh, I must not forget to include the insults and intimidations that scares the living hell out of me. In a nutshell, it was all damn worth it.

I suppose that is all for now. If you're reading this, then thank you. I really appreciate that. It's time for me to continue writing my 2018 resolution. Yes, I know we're already 3 days into this year and it's still incomplete. But I can argue that my resolutions for this year is exceptionally lengthy, I guess there's a lot of reminders and changes I want to implement. Until next time, take care!


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