What I Am Loving Right Now!

Hello! I originally wanted to post another deep and heavy context blog today, but I cut off the plan as I needed some sort of cheeriness here. Things just doesn't seem too good for me these couple of days, and I wanted to lighten my mood up and hopefully brighten you with this post as well. So, here are all the stuff that I am enjoying at the moment.

- Favourite Youtubers
I am a Youtube-watcher FREAK. I watch Youtube videos 80% of my day, and have been doing that since I was fourteen. That's a good four years there. The list of my favourite Youtubers (let's be frank, I can't possibly pick my ALL TIME favourite one) changes all the time, but with that being said, these are the people whom I have been utterly obsessing over their contents at the moment.

           The Sims 4 is definitely one of my favourite games, and it just so happens that The Sims community on Youtube is freaking awesome. I just love all the contents being put out and the people with their bubbly personality. And Kayla, a.k.a lilsimsie never fails to make me feel less lonely while telling her stories in her videos. Catching up on the narratives of all her quirky life, Evil Susan, and her podcast is surely one of the highlights of my day. If you like people who knows how to chat like a pro (in a good way) and very relatable, you will definitely love her channels. The best part is, she posts daily!

          Yes, another Sims-y Youtuber. Mona has an incredibly soothing voice, and it makes me love to watch her speed builds even more. Not only does she have amazing building skills, she talks about her work and family life pretty often in her voiceovers, and it just makes me feel more connected to her. She is the sweetest person ever, and makes all her viewers feel homely.

          I dealt with insomnia for as long as I can remember, and ever since discovering ASMR, I can't sleep without watching one before bed. I have a couple of favourites, like Fairy Char ASMR and ASMR Darling. I can't say which ASMR-tist is the best, but I think Emma is my top pick. Her videos gives me tingles, and it immediately puts me into deep sleep like no one else can do. 

          If I had a Youtube channel, I would probably try to steal Lucy's contents. Hahaha, I'm just joking. Her channel projects a really calming vibe, and gives me an insight into a snippet of living in the Netherlands. Her organizing and healthy eating videos inspired to me to be more minimalistic (even though, minimalism isn't something she intendedly promote) and to be aware on the food I am eating. I would be lying if I say that she isn't my inspiration to cut my bangs, and learn/look more into historical figures.

          I am so proud that Jasmine's channel is growing so quickly! I love her positive and uplifting spirit. This whole blog post was inspired by her, and I am learning to be more appreciative to all the little things that keep me feeling alive during my low state. 

- IKEA MOPPE Mini Storage Chest 42x18x32cm 
After watching Loepsie's Make Up Organisation video, my mind can't get off the IKEA storage she owned. I actually contemplated on months if I should get it, and if it was worth the money. And now, I love it so much. It helps with the dust issue I have had in my room and makes it look a thousand times less cluttered. The whole design of this chest is genius, and I would highly recommend it if you need a storage chest.

- Maybelline's Color Changing Lip Balm in Peach Bloom, mixed with, Alba Botanica TerraTints in Blaze
This combo gives me a super healthy flush on my lips, without looking unnaturally, as they are tinted lip balms. The Maybelline one provides moisture (which the Alba Botanica one lacks of) and a stronger peach stain that lasts forever, and the Alba Botanica TerraTints gives me the bolder red tint and a tingly sensation. The combination makes me look so much more alive on days when I don't feel that way.

- Songs from Epidemic Sounds
Sadly, I don't have a Spotify to track down my favourite songs. I really love You Set My World On Fire, You Got Me Waiting, In The Blues, Wonder, I Will Let You In and Box Of Black Pearls. And I know! I know that these are royalty free music and tons of Youtubers have used these songs in their videos. As a person who is not adventurous when it comes to music, I tend to gravitate to those that I have listened before, unintentionally, like in a vlog.

I guess that is all for now. I just want take a moment to thank that my blog has over 100 views overall, and it's not something I could ever think of. Because, why would anyone want to read my rambles? Okay, bye!


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