I need to do my assignment, but hey, here is another post!

It is a casual, lazy and warm Tuesday afternoon. I just got off from a phone call with my friend, and decided to write down the context that I had ranted to her. This may not be a great post, but I wanted to note down all these boring and yet crazy little things that happen to me.

Remember that ex I kept mentioning in previous blogposts? Yeah, okay, I'm sure you ALL know who this person is very clearly, as I got too repetitive at one point. 

Well, guess what? I have another stupid story to vent out. Let's call him... Richard. I thought of Corney at first, but nah, Richard will do.

Ever since the breakup, seeing Richard passing by me in the campus has been extremely embarrassing and awkward. Lesson number one, do not date anyone in your school or workplace, or in your friends' group. But as a few weeks passed, his presence didn't bother me as much, and seeing him around turned into a norm. We were just super friendly and casual with each other for an instant, until I read a text message that he sent to a friend of mine, and my heart just sank. He said that he was going to try and win my heart back. Hold that cringey thought and your wiener! We are never getting back together. (No reference here.)

It all tied together after that. He gave me flowers (remember that blog?), he was trying to text me, and I got annoyed by all of this. 

On the 31st of March, he wanted me to meet him in a cafe across a street from my house, to pass me the phone case which I requested him to get. It was the cafe we had our first date in when we just got together. Right there, he told me that he goes to this cafe every single Friday since the 9th of February, which is the same week we split. I freaked out right then. He's present in a cafe where we shared our first intimate gestures, in front of my house, every Friday since we broke up. I took the phone case, thanked him and made my way out of the cafe. I found it creepy enough.

Eventually, I started to cut my link with him, but failed immensely. This is what you will have to deal with if you ever breakup with a person in your social group. I still have to see him everyday in the cafeteria or the library. Before him, I hardly got angry. And now, I understood why my self-conscious did not release this energy within me earlier. I do not have the capability to control and handle Annoyed Christy, she is just too much to deal with. I hate emotions.

Every little thing irks me. The way that he brings up our history with subtlety when we were in a conversation with friends. The way he attempted to show off. And I am not trying to be a narcissist here! 

Perhaps he is making an effort to have a diplomatic relationship with me. Perhaps I was too self-centered at the point of time and took his actions wrongly. Or, maybe I am right. That he is trying to manipulate something into me.

Here is where most of the context begins. Last Friday, there was a formal dinner organized for the Business Faculty, which I am in. Richard is not a student in this faculty, but he bought his own ticket and turned up anyways. I didn't think much into it, as he attended to every formal dinner the college organizes, so I thought that this is just his ritual.

As we arrived at the venue, he walked towards the table and pulled a chair for me. Every other girl would be flattered by the gesture. Well, seeing my ex pulling a chair for me made me felt annoyed and embarrassed. Is anything new? Swiftly, I grabbed the chair and slot it into the table, before pulling it out for myself. I frowned at him and said, 'I can do this myself.' It is no surprise that he tried to defend himself by saying that it was a good intention for me. Of course, I am the bad cop now.

Anyways, before we were sitting, I was talking to a classmate, named Ina. Naturally, Ina reached out to the seat beside me so that we can have a further conversation. Richard and Ina had an uncomfortable shuffle (you know, like when a person who is walking opposite to your direction follows and reflects wherever you turn), till Richard somehow got the seat beside me. Being sandwiched between Ina and I, he tried his hardest to get into our conversation, and kept answering questions for me. 

If you can't imagine how irritating that is, just see yourself in a situation where a person is relentlessly answering questions that are directly for you, such as what is your interest and other in depth questions, when you are already in a riveting and personal talk with a person you just met. I get it, Richard, we dated before and yes you can answer a lot of about me. Still, he needs to stop. I was very rude to him the whole night. I pushed away his arm whenever he reached out to assist me, for example opening the door or plating food on my plate.

When the dinner was over, he followed me back home voluntarily, which was not necessary. He had to miss his last train home. In the end, he paid 20 bucks to call for an Uber and sent him back. Seriously, 20 bucks? 

The next day, one of my friends told me his side of the story. He said he accompanied me back home, to ensure that I go back safely. I know that everything he does for me is to help and it means no harm. I must admit, I appreciate his good gestures. I was genuinely rude and senseless to him that night - the hand to his face, the whines that he needs to back off. 

But, no one will understand the uncomfortable atmosphere in the train as he accompanied me. No one understands what it feels like to have a clingy ex boyfriend, whom you do not plan to get back together. He is an ex boyfriend. All I need from him is some space. If he was not trying to brainwash something in me, he should know that we need to gap away from each other, because this is not good for either one of us. What we had is supposed to be gone, but he cannot seem to understand that. 

This post is a disastrous mess with bad language structure and everything jumbled. I have tried my best to spit it all out without sounding like a narcissist. And, I failed. 

I can't tell if my instinct are right, or am I just pulling in an unnecessary drama? Am I really the bad cop? I have a lot to process until someone clarifies something for me. I guess I will have to shut up now and presume to my Marketing assignment.


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