
Showing posts from September, 2018

Mindful Eating

I know that my body will always be my biggest insecurity. I am never gonna let go of it. There will always be something I will try to lose. Always something to hide or dislike for a short-term. But I have come to terms with it, and normalize what I thought was a negative notion. It's not a masochist move. It's about accepting that I am vulnerable. Intermittent fasting was my first move towards it. But soon after I started it, I realized that style of eating was far from realistic for me. I am a student, and cannot possibly eat in a short span of time, then fast for long hours, as my schedule is pretty much controlled by the authorities. It was fun to eat whatever I want, and not gaining any weight from it. But that was the thing. Intermittent fasting still made me too unhealthily conscious on timing, food intakes, and my body weight. Another day with a disordered mind, I sat down with a plate of food and stared at it for a few minutes. I judged the proportion, ...