
Showing posts from December, 2017

A REVIEW ON 'Only 4 Ingredients To Make Your Breast Grow Naturally'

7/12/2017 - Week One Around a week ago, I came across this video of a 13 year old girl (She was 13 when the video went up, as she stated) giving a tip on how to grow your breast, naturally. Of course, the video didn't just pop up in my 'Recommended', I actually searched up 'how to grow boobs' on Youtube. If you are close to me in real life, you know that I am pretty insecure of my small breast size, and it seems as though they haven't grown since I was thirteen. Now, as I am heading towards my very late teens, I am doing all the readings and researches on how to enlarge my chest - still taking the advantage of my puberty.   The recipe she shared in the video is excruciatingly simple and easy, I was dumbfounded. Immediately, I doubted on what she had said, but as I read through the comments, and was (also) surprised on how it worked out well on majority of the people.  I looked across the kitchen, and my eyes sat at the bottle of Pueraria Mirifica capsules ...